What is EFT Tapping?
A Powerful and Efficient Mind-Body Technique for Healing
May 27, 2023 | Laura Parkinson
"When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." - John Lennon
I know it might be hard to believe that tapping on specific accupressure points on your head and upper body can provide powerful and permanent healing of even deep trauma, but it's actually true, and science backs it.
We are a culture obsessed with proof. If you can't prove it to me, then I can't believe it. But what about the science that we are made up of energy? That, in fact, the only truth about who we are is that we are particles and atoms floating around en mass, colliding with other atoms and particles and creating this illusion that we call life? Too much?! Not even close, if you ask me.
To me, it then makes perfect sense that our feelings are 1. actively creating the fabric of our frequency, which 2. is vibrating our cells into action - good or bad - 3. creating the problems, illness, pains, as well as the joys, peace and wellness we experience.
Case in point: your emotional health matters, perhaps more than anything else.
Ok, so now what is EFT Tapping you might be wondering?
At this stage in the game, I am shocked when I meet someone who has not heard of tapping, but these unicorns are definitely still out there! Is that you? If so, not for long!
EFT Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (yes, with an 's'), is a holistic healing energy psychology modality that combines elements of Chinese acupressure principles and Western psychology. It involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or emotion, such as stress, anxiety, pain, or limiting beliefs. By doing so, we help to move the energy blockages, the emotions that have become hitched up, so to speak, getting them moving again, moving out, ideally, reducing negative feelings, creating space for possibility and new perspectives and reprogramming the subconscious mind for positive change. Phew! Run on sentences aside, it's powerful, yet gentle, and the results are permanent.
Emotions are "energy in motion", yet our society has become very adept at stuffing them, repressing them, and ignoring them, until they create dis-ease in the body that forces us to address them. Perhaps you have heard the phrase, "Feelings burried alive never die", from Karol Truman? EFT Tapping is the solution.
Some of the Benefits of EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping has been used to help people overcome a wide range of emotional and physical challenges, including:
In addition, EFT Tapping can also be used to enhance performance, improve self-esteem, and achieve personal and professional goals.
Tapping with Kids
I love to tap with my kids. Kids are already such deep feelers and tend to shift energy quickly. And because it is so gentle and safe, there's lots of room to get goofy or silly, or really wild and out there with what they want to tap in once they've created the energetic space within them. But more on tapping with kids in another post. Stay tuned for that!
How does EFT Tapping work?
Well, first off, let's jam for a minute on what's happening for someone when they might be inclined to try something like tapping.
Our brains are wired to look for threats to our safety in our environments. And, while once upon a time, we had to be on guard for predators like sabor-toothed tigers, we have simply replaced the actual tigers with chronic stress, people-pleasing, feeling not-enough and unlovable - all of which have been stored in the brain as threats to our survival. And then there may also be physical, emotional, mental traumas that we may have incurred, all of which have been wired to create a very specific perceived life-saving response. And when the brain finds a match, it instantly alerts us, oftentimes before we are even aware of a perceived threat through something called neuroception. And because our bodies can only handle a limited amount of stress, the nervous system becomes overloaded, reducing functioning in our other vital body systems, leading one to a whole host of potential health or wellness challenges, that would lead someone to try something like tapping.
Tapping reprograms the brain.
When we tap on our specific acupuncture points, a signal is sent to the amygdala that it is safe to relax. It is like we now have a dimmer switch for our fight / flight / freeze / fawn response and, over time, iwe can train the brain to react differently to the same perceived “threat”.
Phrases like "Even though I felt like a loser when xyz…" initially activates the habitual stress response, but then voicing it outloud, while tapping, releasing internalized shame, takes the 'sting' out of the programmed reaction and begins to neutralize the original response. At the same time with the "Even though" statement, we create a link between the trauma and a new cognitive input, reframing the belief or memory with a statement of self-acceptance: "...I deeply and completely accept myself." Boom. Game-changer.
Tapping signals to the body that we’re safe and the traumatic memory then gets “unflagged”. The nervous system no longer associates the memory with stress. In other words, our body no longer needs to stay in fight, flight, freeze or fawn.
This is the *magic* of tapping (not magic at all, because it's science, but it feels like magic when you're working with it!). Once you have broken the conditioned response, you can then think of the memory again without any emotional intensity. In this state, I like to take my clients "mining for gold", aka, accessing the mass amounts of sage wisdom you have now unlocked and can apply to life!
Tapping heals the body while also healing your emotional and spiritual self.
Ultimately, tapping puts the body back into the relaxation response and allows the immune system, digestive system, reproductive system and endocrine system to function correctly.
How to use EFT Tapping to actively reprogram the brain for what you want
Once you have cleared the emotional charge, this is where things get really fun. You get to choose how you want to feel moving forward, aka begin creating new neural pathways, ones that actually serve you, are empowering and allow you to create the life you desire and deserve.
Show me the science!
A growing body of publications attest to the efficacy of tapping.
A study shows that a 60-minute EFT group session reduced participants’ cortisol (the “stress hormone”) levels by 43%. Supportive listening from a therapist reduced participants’ cortisol levels by 19%.
In another study, veterans who had PTSD benefited from 6 weekly EFT sessions with a practitioner. 90% of participants healed from PTSD, compared to 4% of participants who received standard care.
Research has been done in 10 countries with 60 researchers, resulting in 20+ peer-reviewed medical and psychology journal publications.
You have to experience it for yourself.
Tapping is better experienced than explained, and if tapping had not found me at a point in my life where I was willing to try anything, who knows if I would have found the same profound healing and freedom I have through tapping elsewhere.
If you are looking for a natural, safe, and effective way to improve your health and wellbeing, EFT Tapping may be just what you need. To learn more about EFT Tapping and how it can benefit you, download my EFT Tapping eBook, complete with a recorded tapping session on overcoming emotional overwhelm. Or, book a free 20-minute discovery call with me today!
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Hello There!
I'm Laura, a former Social Worker turned Highly-Advanced EFT/Tapping Practitioner, Trauma Recovery Specialist & Clarity Life Coach. Merging science and spirituality, let's holistically alleviate emotional exhaustion, anxiety & overwhelm, heal from trauma and gain crystal-clarity around our desires and worth. As deep-feeling women, the future is shaped by our persistence in the journey to freedom, peace and fulfillment. Let's go!
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